Young Women's Hub

About Us

The school’s vision is to develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. We will achieve this by providing a welcoming, happy, safe, and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal, and all milestones are celebrated.

Mission Statement
The Young Women’s Hub provides a safe, nurturing learning environment. The school believes that success in life is about more than academic achievement. Success is also about making good choices, building positive relationships and developing the resilience to overcome challenges.
Our curriculum is young person focused and we aim for the curriculum delivery to be inspiring, stimulating and challenging and for the students to feel valued and respected. We support the student to fill learning gaps, enable progress at their own pace and provide opportunities to learn from each other whilst building positive values.
Alongside core subject delivery we also deliver vocational lessons, extra curriculum sessions, weekly P.E sessions, group therapy sessions and mentoring programs which help build self-confidence, self-esteem and a positive self-image.

Our values
Being a young person-centred independent school we enable young women to use their voice to speak out on topics and issues which are important to them, this ensures their needs are met and their rights are respected. The students play an active role in helping staff design services and every decision is taken with their needs set as the highest priority.
Nurturing the individual
We respect the unique value and contribution of each young woman. We create opportunities for them to fulfil their potential by tailoring our services to meet their individual needs.

Celebrating diversity
We recognise and look for ways to celebrate the diversity within our groups of young women and the wider community. We actively challenge prejudice and oppression of all kinds.
Striving for excellence
Our young women deserve the very best support. As a school we look for ways to develop and improve our services and of actively involving them in this process.
Developing partnerships
We actively seek out opportunities to work in collaboration with relevant organisations to create better outcomes for young women.

Leadership team

Philippa Wall
Head of School/Proprietor & Safeguarding Lead

Chloe Scott
Deputy Head of School and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Emma Quartey
Head of teaching/learning and SENCO

Trustee Board
Emma Moore – Chair (Safeguarding Lead)
Hayleigh Senior – Trustee (Education Sub Group)
Carol Mullings – Trustee (Education Sub group)
Charlotte Bright – Trustee (Fundraising)

Daniel Ratchford- Trustee Treasuer
Holly Fisher-Trustee